Frequently Asked Questions

$25 per hour. Smaller lots plans typically take between 10-15 hours which come out to a cost of $250-$375. The more elaborate of plans may take upwards 20-27 hours which come out to a cost of $500-$675; this can be common for a city or a suburban lot that is 1/4 acre. Costs also depend on how much you want, intricacies of your plan, and site conditions.

We are currently accepting payments through Paypal , Cash App and new forms of payment in the future.

Included with the designs are color rendered plans, black & white working field plans, and a materials list with a project summary. The materials list will cover plant material as well as other materials. The plans are rolled up and sent priority in a mailer tube via the USPS.

After receiving a plan you can build your landscape yourself or hire it out. When hiring it out you want to make sure that who your hiring is competent and has a good reputation. Your state's Landscape & Nursery Association member database is also a great way to find a contractor.

Retail landscape nurseries are going to be your go to for sourcing plant material. You may find that nurseries in the city will charge more than nurseries in the country so it may be good to shop around if you can. Landscape supply stores will sell topsoil, mulches, various types of aggregates, pavers, and in some cases plant material. You may be able to purchase some of your plant material at big box retailers if they have the availability but it is advised to purchase your hardscape material from a proper dealer.


